REVIEW - Fallout: New Vegas

Monday, August 22, 2011

REVIEW - Fallout: New Vegas

 Fallout: New Vegas is the most recent Fallout title from Bethesda.  It’s a sandbox role playing game using the same engine as Fallout 3.  It is set in the wastelands of Las Vegas, Nevada and the surrounding desert.  Traveling from destination to destination determining how to handle whatever is put in front of you.   You are free to take the path of a saint and help every poor wastelander that you come across or you can simply shoot them, take their stuff, and continue on your path of terror.   You come across drug addicts, poor refugees, various "tribes" and the all the other things you would expect from recent Fallout title like super mutants, ghouls, and mutated wild life.

The size of this sandbox is massive to say the least, almost frustratingly massive.  There is a fast travel feature that allows you to warp across the desert.  This game also introduces Hardcore Mode.  Hardcore mode means you need sleep, eat, and drink regularly or suffer the penalties.  It also puts weight to the ammunition you carry and makes your companion's die permanently.  It gives the game an extra sense of depth but can be frustrating and pointlessly challenging at time.

The story of the game is as vast as the world, with multiple endings and tribes too side with.  It provides a good sense of replay value as it is impossible to do every quest in one play through.   The story will match up based on who you did quests for and what your "karma" level is.  Most quests in the game also can be finished in multiple ways and have optional objects to be completed which also effect there endings.  Each companion will also have a quest and story too go with them.  Even though some might not want anything to do with you based on your morality and allegiances.  There is also a new companion system in the game which features a quick wheel for accessing inventory or giving commands.  I found this wheel to be a great addition to the companions in the game.

The game also features a huge arsenal of weapons, from Gatling lasers and mini-guns too swords made from car bumpers.  Fallout: New Vegas features tons of weapons to support New Vegas also features a much deeper weapon modification system then Fallout 3 with modifications like laser beam splitters and dampeners too reduce spread.

Overall it is a very immersive addicting game but it might not be for everyone it can be a little slow paced at times and can almost be too big to enjoy.  The game can also very unstable with regular freezes and crashes at very in inconvenient moments.  Despite the instability I personally found it very entertaining and enjoyable.  There is also countless user made mods available that bring a huge level of custom ability to the game and Bethesda even released the G.E.C.K. too help people customize their world and gaming experience.  It should be noted the G.E.C.K. can be pretty complicated too use and can be more harmful then helpful!  I strongly recommend this game too anyone that is a fan of Fallout 3 or sandbox RPG's, but like I said before this game is definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of Nuka-Cola. The game also features three available dlc packs with one or two more planned for the future.

(Some images in photos are from user created mods)


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