REVIEW - Double Feature! Cthulu Saves The World & Breath of Death VII: The Beginning

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

REVIEW - Double Feature! Cthulu Saves The World & Breath of Death VII: The Beginning

I bet you thought the days of 8-bit graphics and sound where gone and forgotten. Maybe some where happy to have moved on past those games and maybe some where sad. Well however you feel about those games Zeboyd Games has brought two 8-bit gems for the gaming world. These games are funny and original and a great throw back to those old days of grindy rpg's and turn based action.  These games are available on the Steam platform and Xbox Live Arcade in the indie section. 

In Cthulu Saves The World (I will call this one CSTW) you play as the evil alien god Cthulu from the author H.P. Lovecraft.  You find yourself stranded on the beach with no god powers and quickly find your first of many groupies that join your adventure.  The comedy starts off right from the beginning as your first groupie quickly falls in love with your "adorable" tentacle face.  

In Breath of Death VII (I will call this BoD7) it follows a much more common tale of the hero adventurer on his epic journey too save the world.  The twist in this one though is that your a undead skeleton trying to save the world of the future after humans have wiped themselves out.

The last thing these games do is take themselves very seriously. CSTW was the second one of the two made and it shows in the game play.  It has more features, its bigger, more characters for your party, and its better written.  BoD7  does not fall short though, it still delivers a fun quick game that can probably be played from start too end in about 5 hours.  CSTW is substantially longer and it also features a developers note option that will toss in little bit of fun facts from the studio and the developer, including his love for H.P. Lovecraft and idea's for the game from his wife. 

The action is challenging and fast paced for a turn based game. CSTW has a variety of interesting characters for your party that you can switch in and out as you see fit.  Most characters offering different scales of specialization in abilities, like healing, damage spells, and damaging attacks.  BoD7 uses the same characters the whole way through but they are still enjoyable and easy to love.   

I found these games to be a blast and had me cracking up the whole time. They never seemed to get redundant or played out and both are definitely worth their low price tags.  I do recommend playing these games with a gamepad if possible it makes moving around and combat much easier.  Outside of the need for a gamepad I couldn't find anything wrong with these great indie's and I highly recommend them!

FINAL SCORE ~ 8/10 Great Game!


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